Jenny Craig | Wednesday Weight Update #3

Wednesday 16 March 2016

My Jenny Craig Wednesday Weight Update is up on my YouTube channel.  Check it out if you are interested in my progress.

I had a cheat day this week and allowed myself one meal that wasn't in my meal plan.  I ate in moderation and made sure I didn't eat over my calorie allowance, but still enjoyed a pub meal.

I had another good week weight-loss wise but I was a bit down in the dumps - for no real reason at all - and I was having an off week in terms of my appearance.  My clothes are starting to get baggy but I'm not comfortable enough to go down a dress size yet.

I've linked the Jenny Craig website in the description bar below the video and stay tuned for my blog post later this week.


Dixie Girlxox

1 comment:

  1. Keep up the awesome work! It takes a while to be comfortable with yourself again (well for me it was). Just keep reminding yourself that you're working hard to get where you want to be and before you know it, you will be there and you will be the happiest you've ever been! It is the best feeling in the world! xo



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