Neon Baby!!!

Friday 13 December 2013

Now I REALLY wasn't sure when I did this set of nails.
I really wasn't sure about bright green, glow in the dark, neon nails but after stamping I love them.
My lovely client was over the moon!   The remind me of Maori tribal tattoos.
I've used CND Shellac in Cream Puff and added neon green pigment over the top.
I finished off the nails with a Konad stamp and black Konad polish.
What do you think?
Please stop by my pages:

Konad plates and polish can be found here:

The neon pigment can be found here:

If you are outside of the UK you may need to contact the seller to ask if she can ship to you.


  1. Gorgeous mani Kate <3
    But how do you use Konad, isn't the design to small for these nails?

  2. Thanks Conny. No, the stamp was just the right size. The Betina stamps are slightly bigger. I just had to be careful with the placement :-)


Hayley Larue Design